that was my favorite part too..."accepting that love as enough". my heart...

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Wow, I needed the reminder of how often I struggle with the balance of work and family.... It's so hard when we give so much of ourselves to not lose ourselves in the process...much to reflect on.

Thanks for sharing, "Holding Moses: Motherhood in the Face of Disability." When the mom narrates meeting the boy (Joaquin) and his father on the trampoline, sigh, that gave me a good cry...

"and they got him onto the trampoline and he couldnt sit up, and his dad got on the trampoline with him. And then I watched Joaquin just hold his dad's face in his hands....and his dad was accepting that love as enough." <3

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Kristina, props for sharing the internal conflict so many of us share as mothers and entrepreneurs. If its helps to know you aren't alone (and I sure think it does), I hear you, I validate what you say and 2023 will bring us more joy, sorrow and some struggle too but maybe in better balance?

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Here is to a fulfilling and joyous 2023, Cherie! I chuckled with my husband the other day as I told him that I'm going to steal Trump's slogan and make this year "Make Kristina Great Again" year :)

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